New Regulations Set To Cut Construction Emissions In London By 50%

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New Regulations Set To Cut Construction Emissions In London By 50%


Construction equipment used on the site of any major development in Greater London must now meet minimum EU Emission standards, in measures which are a world first in cutting pollutants.

Under regulations which came into force on 1 September, construction equipment in Greater London must meet the EU Stage IIIA at a minimum, while that used on any site within the central activity zone or Canary Wharf must comply with EU Stage IIIB standards or above.

Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) of net power between 37kW and 560kW will come under the new measures, with the engine emissions standards laid out in the EU Directive 97/68/EC.

While the Stage IIIA and Stage IIIB rules have been in force for a number of years, manufacturers and dealers were given time to gradually phase out and sell old stock.

The capital is also offering Low Emission Zone (LEZ) exemptions in instances where equipment is not available at the required standard, or in the volumes needed to match up to demand. Mobile cranes, 2.5-tonne telehandlers and generators rated between 50 and 200kW are among the equipment to fall into this category.

London is the first city in the world to implement policy addressing both nitrogen oxide and particulate matter, which are estimated to make up to 12 per cent and 15 per cent of the capital’s pollution, respectively.

It is hoped that the measures will cut nitrogen oxide and particulate matter pollution in London by nearly 50 per cent in the next five years.

Deputy mayor Matthew Pencharz told The Construction Index: “Dust and fumes from construction sites are a nuisance to people who live close by but they also impact on London’s wider air quality. That’s why it’s so important for these new emission standards to come in to address the problem, which together with our efforts on transport emissions will make a significant difference to the air Londoners breathe.”

The Construction Plant-hire Association has given the scheme its blessing. Chief executive Colin Wood mirrored Mr Pencharz’s comments, and told the website: “We are pleased to support the Low Emission Zone for construction machinery, having worked collaboratively with the Greater London Authority on its development. We are committed to working with the industry to help them improve London’s air quality.”


Main Image Credit: Michaelpuche /