Trusted London Schools’ and Local Education Authority Contractor

Our work in schools is not restricted to refurbishment works, special adaptations or maintenance alone.  We’ve had lots of fun installing soft play areas, sensory and discovery rooms, roof top playgrounds and outside Kitchen gardens & learning spaces.

We derive a great deal of satisfaction from being part of the team which delivers these projects to the education sector, especially when they involve adapting the existing school stock to accommodate children with special needs.

As School contractors we realise that working in the school environment has its own set of unique challenges which have to be managed and achieved.  The majority of all school work usually occurs within a well-defined and strict window of opportunity which has to be utilised in order to develop and improve the school amenities.

London Borough of Lambeth – The “Schools for the future” programme saw the redevelopment of many schools and we were involved in a few including Joanna school, Rosendale school, Kingswood school, Henry Fawcett school and Sunnyhill school.

Client Case Studies: Developing London’s School Buildings


Case Studies: Redeveloping Multiple Schools across London Boroughs


Tiny Tots Toilet Cubicles – Joan of Arc Roman Catholic School (above)

Here are just some of the schools and projects that we’ve worked on:

  • Joan of Arc Roman Catholic school (Highbury & Islington, North London)
    • Tiny tots toilet facilities
    • Staff office facilities
  • Hollydale School (Peckham, South London) –
    • Staff facility washroom
    • Children’s toilets and washrooms.
    • Re-upholstery of staff room furniture
  • Gillespie School (Finsbury Park, London)
    • Construction of outside learning spaces
  • Henry Fawcett School (Oval, South-East London)
    • Installation of sensory and discovery rooms
    • Roof top Playground and soft play area installations
    • School refurbishment to class rooms.


Special Needs Wheelchair Learning Station (Gillespie School)


Blue Tenon Staff Toilet Facilities (Hollydale School)


Sensory & Discovery Room (Henry Fawcett School)

sensory-room-schoolSensory rooms are designed to help children with limited communication skills. Physical therapy is delivered through children experiencing varied lighting, objects, music and textures.

We are proud to have constructed such an important project in London schools to help the development of children with special needs.

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