About CLG Enterprises


Company Overview

The directors of CLG Enterprises oversee and manage all aspects of the day to day activities carried out by its employees and specialist subcontractors.  We have created a clear line of communication between our employees, management and the client which leads to high levels of efficacy in the projects we complete.

Company Responsibility

We are committed to continual improvement in terms of training and development skills for our employees, education on safety standards, our codes of conduct and equality.

CLG Enterprises UK Ltd acknowledges the importance of its role as a small business in managing social, economic and environmental issues. Consciously we aim to improve our social and economic contribution and minimise any environmental impacts of our business through varying changes.  As a small business we believe in the prosperity of our planet and together we can make a sizable impact.

A full list of company policy documentation is available on request:

  1. Quality Policy
  2. Health and Safety policy
  3. Environmental policy
  4. Sustainability policy
  5. Equal opportunity and diversity Policy
  6. Corporate responsibility Policy
  7. Drugs & alcohol Policy
  8. Modern Slavery Statement
  9. GDPR Policy

Company Accreditations

We are proud to always maintain accreditations as part of our commitment to continuous improvement and quality of service.

Full list of CLG Enterprises’ accreditations:

 phone-1Call Us: 0845 230 0300

email-1 Email Us: enquiries@clg-ent.co.uk